Join the Collettivof

2023 has been our Year Zero and is just about, almost entirely, behind us. It has been an intense year where we tested ourselves on many fronts: in terms of ideas, relationships, and management.

Despite some difficulties, we can consider ourselves satisfied, and at the same time, we feel very grateful to everyone who has gifted us their presence and attention.

For those who do not yet know us and would like to get an idea of who we are, you can visit the page of our manifesto on the Collettivof website. We have also produced a brief video summary of what we have accomplished in 2023, available here.

We are now here to take stock and make plans.

As a social promotion association (APS), registered with the National Unique Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS), we have an orientation that leads us to prioritize themes and issues with social relevance and impact, addressing them through a photographic lens. For example, in 2024, we plan to organize exhibitions and installations that tackle some of the main taboos of our contradictory and complex culture. Simultaneously, we intend to initiate our own medium-to-long-term photographic research exploring the various manifestations of contemporary fears.

Collettivof does not adhere to any of the national photographic association acronyms and, instead, follows its own idea of photography, largely deducible from the aforementioned manifesto.

Collettivof has an artistic direction composed of the Director and a small artistic committee responsible for evaluating all ideas and projects that the base of members or even the public may propose.

The artistic direction and committee are open to the contribution of anyone, always reserving a necessary merit evaluation of the proposals collected, not only considering their intrinsic quality but also considering whether they align with the ''editorial'' and cultural choices of the Collective.

For its members, Collettivof has realized and will continue to carry out cultural activities such as seminars and workshops that approach photography from a historical, sociological, anthropological, geopolitical, psychological, and technical perspective. This is because, like writing, we see photography as an expressive means and never as an end in itself. In this perspective, just as writers may find a course on a writing software like Word useful, encounters addressing cultural and narrative issues are much more beneficial for them.

Having clarified this, any member can participate in the planning and realization of activities that, in line with the nature of photography, inherently experimental from birth, may require the contribution of experimental forms and other languages such as, just as an example, music, theater, dance, and performance.

As stated in the Manifesto, we are interested in experimentation. However, not merely technical experimentation but expressive experimentation, exploring the multiple ways of expressing something while respecting the balance between means (technical, technological, and human) and ends (artistic and social).

The enrollment campaign for 2024 is now open.

We will be happy for every constructive and committed contribution.

By entering the requested information in the form below, you will be promptly subscribed to our newsletter and will be contacted via email.
For general information about the subscription, please send an email to
Membership in Collettivof requires a social fee payment of €50 for solar year.
* mandatory information
** the text of the newsletters could be mainly in italian
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