Collettivof's portfolio readings
Palermo, Prospero Enoteca Letteraria di via Marche 8
Fourth event Monday 13 june 22, 6:00pm

This press release is aimed at all those who love photography, as practitioners and / or users. After a phase of reflection and discussion between friends, a new reality was born in Palermo: Collettivof.

It is a collective made up of a small group of photographers (Anna Fici, Michele Di Leonardo, Fabio Savagnone, Giancarlo Marcocchi, Lorella Aiosa) who intend to carry out a series of initiatives aimed at promoting photographic culture, enhancing this particularly expressive field that has undergone very significant changes in recent years. In the face of the great expansion of technical possibilities, changes have occurred that have also called into question the statute.

Our thoughts and values are set out and shared with you in our Manifesto, we invite you to take a look at our most upcoming initiatives, we will start next autumn with a cycle of photographic exhibitions, which will be announced on our website and through our social accounts Facebook and Instagram.

In the coming months, some Mondays starting from Monday 9 May 2022, at Prospero Enoteca Letteraria in via Marche 8, in Palermo, between 18.00 and 21.30 the members of the collective will carry out a portfolio reading open to a maximum of three photographers at a time. Interested parties can book with at least four days' notice (i.e., for the first meeting, by Thursday 5 May 2022), by writing to

Definition of "photographic portfolio"

Portfolio reviews have taken hold in Italy and abroad since the nineties. Many festivals still have them today. Since established, they have brought photographic production a step forward, inducing photographers to pay attention to linguistic coherence in the creation of a group of photographs that could be identified as "a work". At a portfolio reading, the considerations that were proposed by readers were in fact related to the adequacy of the form to the content and stylistic coherence. The meetings always began with a fruitful and constructive dialogue between authors and readers, in which the authors were called to present their project. These were public moments, which anyone could attend and, respecting the priority of the meeting between photographer and reader, participate with comments or questions.

More recently, portfolio reviews have gone through a time of crisis. The associations of the sector have, in some cases, manifested an excessive rigidity in the evaluation of the requirements that a good portfolio should have, falling into a sort of dogmatism in which many have no longer recognized themselves. While working for projects can be optimal for some, others, while sensitive and possessing their own recognizability, their own poetics, have struggled to find themselves in the expressive mode of the portfolio and have not recognized the legitimacy of the practice of reading.

In reality, every expressive act is always, explicitly or implicitly, also a communicative act that cannot ignore the reception of an audience and the relative feedback. On these aspects it may be useful to think together with "experts" who, without any pretense of completeness, can provide food for thought and guidance.

Here is the regulation.

  • Candidates for reading must book with at least four days' notice using an email address
  • It will not be possible to accept more than three portfolios for each meeting.
  • ortfolios must consist of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 printed photographs, with a minimum size of 13x18 cm, which constitute a unitary work.
  • Works presented digitally on a key or other medium will not be considered.
  • Each photographer will be able to show their portfolio to each of the readers present, respecting the turn that will be created from time to time.
  • Each reading will consist in the expression of non-binding opinions that the author is invited to take as a critical opinion and nothing else. Nothing is expected beyond an argued comparison.
Calendar of the next CollettivoF portfolio readings
  • Monday 9 May 2022, 6.00 pm - 9.30 pm, at Prospero, via Marche 8, Palermo. Reservations no later than April 29 through the email
  • Monday 16 May 2022, 6.00 pm - 9.30 pm, at Prospero, via Marche 8, Palermo. Reservations no later than May 13 through the email
  • Monday 30 May 2022, 6.00 pm - 9.30 pm, at Prospero, via Marche 8, Palermo. Book no later than May 27 through the email
  • Monday 13 June 2022, 6.00 pm - 9.30 pm, at Prospero, via Marche 8, Palermo. Book no later than June 10 through the email
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